Money plus time is a combination for financial success
Save for as little as a week or as long as four years. Whatever your choice, Certificates of Deposit are a secure way to grow your money. While many investments come with no guarantees, CDs offer fixed rates that get locked in from the beginning, allowing you to predict with pinpoint accuracy exactly how much you'll earn when your savings period ends.
- The Bank of LaFayette offers CDs ranging from seven days to four years
- There's a minimum opening deposit of $2,500 for CDs ranging from seven days to six months
- There's a minimum opening deposit of $1,000 for CDs of one, two, three and four years
- CDs feature higher interest returns than most traditional savings accounts
- In general, CDs with longer terms feature the highest rates
- Early withdrawal may result in a loss of interest earnings, but your initial deposit is never at risk.
Please come by the main office or contact us for our current CD rates.
The Bank of LaFayette is a financial institution headquartered in LaFayette, Ga., serving customers in Walker County and throughout Northwest Georgia.

A Heritage of Trust
We've served many generations with exceptional customer service. We'll be here to serve many more.