Take advantage of ATM convenience - but play it safe, too
You can enjoy many banking services without entering The Bank of LaFayette's offices. There are 24-hour ATMs at the Rock Spring and West LaFayette branches and on North Main Street in downtown LaFayette. These machines allow you to deposits funds, withdraw cash, check account balances, make loan payments, and more.
There's also a 24-hour cash dispenser at the Roper Corporation plant in LaFayette. And all three of our offices are equipped with night depositories where you may place funds when lobbies are closed.
ATM Safety Tips
While ATMs are convenient, it makes sense to exercise caution when using one. This includes protecting your ATM card and cash from the view of others and being aware of your surroundings. Here are some other tips to keep in mind.
Protect Your Card & PIN
It is very important to keep your Personal Identification Number a secret. Don't write it on your card or give it to anyone, including friends and family. ATM fraud is most often committed by individuals who know the ATM cardholder.
Be Prepared
To minimize time spent at the ATM, have your card in hand when you approach the machine. Don't pull it out of your purse or wallet when you get there.
Look Around
Take a look around as you approach the ATM. If you observe suspicious people or circumstances, don't use the machine at that time.
Conduct Your Transactions Privately
Use common courtesy at the ATM. Give people ahead of you space to conduct their transactions. When you use the ATM, make sure no one watches you key in your PIN. You can use your body to shield the ATM keypad.
Count Your Cash Later
Once you've completed your transaction, put your money away immediately and leave the ATM premises. It's best to count your money later.
Lock Your Car Doors
If you leave your vehicle and walk to the ATM, turn off your ignition and lock your vehicle. If you use a drive-up ATM, be sure to roll up passenger windows and lock your car doors.
Observe Lighting and Landscape
Use extra caution when using an ATM at night. If the lights at the ATM are not working, don't use it. If shrubbery has grown up, or if a tree blocks the view, select another ATM and contact us or notify the respective bank. In fact, it's always a good idea to let us know whenever you notice anything out of the ordinary at an ATM—from overgrown bushes and poor lighting to a malfunctioning machine.
Take A Friend At Night
If you must use the ATM at night, consider taking a friend along.
The Bank of LaFayette is a financial institution headquartered in LaFayette, Ga., serving customers in Walker County and throughout Northwest Georgia.
(Portions of this document were prepared by the American Bankers Association)
(Portions of this document were prepared by the American Bankers Association)

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