Let Us Put Your Money to Work for You!
The Bank of LaFayette has a number of different ways to help you meet your future financial needs. Whether it's simply saving for a 'rainy day' or if your savings needs are more long-term, we can help! Listed below are several different types of savings accounts that we offer.
Please contact us for more information on our Savings Accounts.
Statement Savings
Statement Savings is a regular savings account. Interest is paid quarterly and statements are mailed quarterly.
- There is no minimum deposit required to open this type of account.
- Statements will be provided monthly if account has ACH transactions.
MMDA Personal
A Money Market Demand Account (MMDA) is a high yield account with limited transaction features.
- An initial deposit minimum of $2,500 is required for all Money Market Demand Accounts.
- Interest is compounded daily and paid monthly when statements are prepared.
MMDA Commercial
A Money Market Demand Account (MMDA) is a high yield account with limited transaction features.
- An initial deposit minimum of $2,500 is required for all Money Market Demand Accounts.
- Interest is compounded daily and paid monthly when statements are prepared.

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